Common Pest Control Park City Pests That Live In Your Home

pest control park city

Pests like all different insects and animals live here with us on earth and sometimes even in our homes. We don’t want them to live inside our home, but like it or not they will find their way inside. This is where the help from pest control park city might help you. Professional pest control exterminators have the skill to identify pests and identify how they are entering into your home. Most can be unharmful to humans but there are some that can cause health issues as well as destroy our hoes. 

Common Pests That You Might Find Living Inside Your House


Carpet Beetles

Carpet beetles live up to their name so that means they will live inside your carpet. The adult carpet beetles will most likely not cause any harsh harm to your home, but the young ones can. Young carpet beetles will typically put holes through your carpet as well as couches, curtains, and even clothes. Usually, you cant notice the beetles because they are so small but you will know after the damage to your home has been done.  The moment you start noticing any damages it’s important that you contact your local pest control to seek professional help.


Ants love to feed on crumbs, but it’s not your leftover food that attracts them into your home, it’s the weather.  They will come in when it’s cold and wet outside, and also when it’s too hot and dry outside. Crowds of ants will usually not cause you any harm but they will feed on your food. Also, there are carpet ants, even though they won’t really cause any damage to your home, they will make nests.  To keep the crawly ants out of your home, call your local pest control service for help.


These multi-legged creatures are very scary-looking, but they could help you get rid of other gross pests. Centipedes love to feed on cockroaches, spiders, and silverfish. So if you start to notice a lot of them crawling around then they might actually be there to feed on other pests. You can usually find them in floor drains, cracks in your walls as well as cardboard boxes.


There are no doubt cockroaches can cause many problems. Cockroaches can contaminate your food, destroy fabric, cause asthma and allergies. They carry bacteria with them everywhere they go. The most common type of cockroach that you might see is the German cockroach. Cockroaches can produce quickly, in fact, a female cockroach can produce up to 25,000 offspring.  You can usually find them in your kitchen, near water, in clutter as well as your bathrooms. 


Mosquito bites can be very annoying and itchy but they also can be threatening to humans’ health. Mosquitoes can sometimes carry some very serious illnesses, like the Zika virus as well as the West Nile virus. Mosquitoes can enter your home by flying in through your windows and doors. Mosquitoes are not only dangerous to humans but they can also bring health issues to pets. Contact your local pest control park city professionals to help you get rid of pests for good.